My boys are very much apart of what is produced in my kitchen. Tyler is so picky, he is also very demanding. If Bill doesn't like it chances are no one will and Jake is my partner in crime. He is the one who mixes and pours and blends plus, he sometimes has some awesome suggestions. As we create, Tyler supervises and tells us "I don't want it" if we use an ingredient he doesn't like. Ah, the joys of Autism!
For those who don't know all 3 of my boys have some form of Autism. It makes life difficult sometimes, other times it is a good thing. In the challenge of a disability also comes food intolerances, allergies, medication reactions, sleep deprivation and the list goes on and on. Food became my comfort and I pride myself on being a great (not just good) cook! Those who have said I am not a good cook well, I am sorry you can't handle culinary goodness!
So with that being said, I have had some major struggles from my own kids and others in my life with food choices. I love how what is in my kitchen becomes drama for others. Hmmmm. They need a hobby, maybe a therapist or two. lol Anyways, today I thought I would write a bit about food substitutes when it comes to kitchen basics.
Sweet things.
Ah, sugar, how we crave thee! How that sweetness tempts our tastebuds and makes us drool at the sight of sugary covered.... whatever! Let's face it, it doesn't matter if it is a chocolate cake or a butter tart or a piece of strudel! I crave it! I do. I never used to like sweets and now I am a junkie. So, how do you get rid of sugar but satisfy the sweet tooth? I found some solutions!
Stevia. It's natural! It's in a little bottle! It's fairly cheap (about $7 for 1000 drops) and its ok. I use stevia to sweeten milk, puddings, tofu when I am baking but, its just ok. (in my opinion) Others I know swear by it. I am like "Ya, its good to have on hand."
Agave nectar. *TEQUILA* lol kidding! Agave nectar IS used to make tequila but, this is also a nice substitute for sugar. It is sold in a glass or plastic bottle for about $6. One bottle lasts us about 6 weeks and it works better for me than Stevia.
Sugar Twin. Eww. Yuck. Gross. I will be honest. I don't like this chemically induced formula of crap. It comes from aspartame and even though I love it in my diet coke, keep it out of my cakes, cereals and tarts!
Splenda. For baking this is a GIGANTIC 2 thumbs up! I am one of those people who can taste when something is different in a recipe and I honestly can not tell the difference between a chocolate cake made with sugar or one made with Splenda! It comes from sugar. It is the alternatives for diabetics and I tell ya, I buy it in the big bag at Costco. I always have splenda for baking. If I need a little sweetness added I use Stevia or Agave Nectar with it.
Coconut. My friend Shannon, ahhh I love her. I was chatting with her on MSN years ago and we were talking about the diet. I told her I used Coconut milk in place of regular milk in my cooking. (Oh ya I forgot to mention that in the milk post.. bad Indigo!) anyhoo, she said "Coconut is great for sweetening and I swear by coconut oil" Now coconut oil is not sweet... so don't think it is. But adding shredded coconut, coconut milk, coconut flavoring does add sweetness to a dish or baking pan! Experiment a little and see what you can come up with!
*Coconut milk IS fattening. Suck it up! It's not like you will be drinking it 3 times a day or cooking with it daily. Everything in moderation. A can runs about 99 cents. I will not pay more for a can of this milk. Some stores it is $4! I say no thanks... the other store down the street has it for cheaper! :)
Sexy Spice!
Ahhh spice. I love spice! I do. I love thai and jerk chicken and spicy goodness in my food! Peppers and garlic and ohhhhh my! Food should taste GOOD!
Most spices at the supermarket say "May contain wheat". Crappy. I know. It sucks. Especially when you are omitting it from your diet. GFCF spices can be insanely expensive too. What's a cook to do? GO NATURAL!
I love peppers. From green pepper to jalepenos to habanero to you name it! For hot peppers (used in ethnic cooking) I put my my gloves, I seed them, chop em down to sweet nothings then I dry them in the oven on a cookie sheet covered in parchment paper! Then I grind em in the grinder. Now you have wheat free, milk free peppers. Store in an air tight container. :)
Black pepper.
Yup, chances are that pepper in the container at the store has come into contact with something you don't want in your diet. It is sad. I hear ya! But, peppercorns are generally safer and all you need is a pepper mill from the dollar store to grind em up fresh! Problem solved!
Honestly, I don't use it. A pound of salt lasts us 2 plus years. I use it in baking, in baths for us but that is it. From what I understand it is safe. Check labels and companies to be safe.
Basil, Parsley, Oregano (Rosemary, Thyme, Dill, Cilantro)
I use these fresh. But when I can't I buy them fresh at the store, bring em home, wash them really good then I pat them dry with paper towel and dry them in the oven! Crush/grind them up and pop them into separate labeled jar! Your own fresh made herbs! WOOHOO! Or you can get a window kit and grow your own to cut, dry and grind! Easy and fun! Get the kids to help!
The spices we use the most are Black pepper, garlic and basil. If I have those 3 I am happy. Chili powder is another I like to always have but, I run out a lot.
Well, if you got this far congrats! (Wow I wrote a lot again today!) Now want the recipe to my favorite homemade spice blends? Ya, you will like 'em!
I don't remember where I got this recipe from but I added my own stuff.
Homemade chili powder
1 dried ancho chili or habanero
1/4 cup dried oregano
1/4 cup cumin seed
1/4 cup coriander seed
1/4 cup paprika
1 tbsp of splenda
1/4 tsp black pepper
1/4 tsp salt
Grind ingredients in a grinder and store in a jar.
Happy Cooking all! :)
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